Here is an example of creating shortcode for your wordpress blog, this is a simple use of shortcodes and you can write much more complex shortcodes when required. [sourcecode language="php"]</pre> //[yearsExperience] function yearsExperienceFunction() { $date1=new DateTime("now") ; $date2=new DateTime("1990-1-1"); $date= $date1->diff($date2); return $date->format('%y'); } add_shortcode( 'yearsExperience', 'yearsExperienceFunction' ); [/sourcecode] This shortcode writes out the number of years since a given date, this function can be added to your funcitons.php file and its hook add_shortcode registers the function for use, you can then call the function from within your post. [sourcecode language="php"][yearsExperience][/sourcecode] For more information on shortcodes please visit
Month: January 2013
Some Latest Mobile Phone Gadgets
There is always an ever increasing need for new mobile phone gadgets as people just won’t quit asking for them. The manufacturers however are listening and they are always up for the task of making new and even more amazing gadgets for mobile phones for the gadget followers to buy and Use. Here are some new gadgets for mobile phones in the market.
Charge Card:
Amongst the new mobile phone gadgets, charge card is a very popular one as it eliminates the need of cables and chargers to be kept along all the time for the time when the cell phone user may have to charge the device. The good thing is that it is very portable and has no wires at all. The chard card takes just a few seconds to completely charge a cell phone.
Camera Attachment Device:
A cell phone remains what it is no matter how powerful camera it bears. Even the latest of the smart phones do not have as much mega pixels built in a good camera. The new camera attachment device can be attached in front of the camera of a smart phone to increase the number of mega pixels that it carries. These new camera extension mobile phone gadgets able the users to have a photographer like feel and take of pictures with higher resolutions. And the best part is that they adjust on the slim smart phones easily. Phone Reminders on wrist:
Many times it happens that a cell phone user overlooks the reminder that he or she had set on the cell phone. This can happen either because the user was a bit too busy at work that he couldn’t notice, or the alert of the cell phone was not powerful enough to let the user know of it. As the new mobile phone gadgets keep on coming to the market, there are some pretty amazing ones coming along as well. A similar example of such devices is the wrist worn cell phone reminder that is connected to the phone but notifies the user on his wrist watch. This way, even if the user is away from the cell phone, these new mobile phone gadgets let the users know off all the reminders.
Waterproof and Task One Cases:
Amongst some real funny mobile phone gadgets is the waterproof, tough and task one case for smart phones. This case is of great utility for several reasons. The first one is that it makes the cell phone a lot safer around water and even saves it when it falls. Who would not want to have a case that gives a small knife, a tiny scissor and stuff for utility as task one case?
Mirror Case:
Then there are some things to simple to be counted in the mobile phone gadgets like the mirror bearing case for smart phones. It gives utility, it looks nice, and its cheap, this makes it a very popular yet commonly used simple gadget for cell phone. The case is made hard enough to protect the mirror from breaking.
Author Bio:
This article is written by Intkhab Ahsan. He belongs to He is regular guest blogger whose articles appear on Technology and Fashion blogs.
Some Latest Mobile Phone Gadgets
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12 Great Tips for Using Pinterest for Your Business in 2013
Many businesses today are turning to social media in order to better promote their products and Pinterest is one of those Medias. So, if you are interested in getting your product into the eyes of millions of people and gaining new customers for your business at the same time Pinterest is the way to go.
1. Get Connected If you really want to boost ratings or gain customers through Pinterest you should link your new Pinterest account to your Twitter and Facebook accounts.
2. Put A Button On It Adding a Pinterest Pin It button will make it easier for people to follow your product line or to show off the products that they have pinned. The buttons are free to use and easy to add to any page.
3. Follow Your Followers Keeping your company in the eye of the public can be done by following those who are following your products. The next thing that you want to do is follow the big guys because they in-turn will almost always follow you back.
4. Keep It Interesting Adding material that is interesting to your Pinterest page is a great way to keep folks coming back. You can even add photos and videos to your page. You want to keep followers interested in your products never put material on your page that has nothing to do with your products.
5. Don’t Forget To Link Back Pinterest doesn’t give the option to sell your products therefore it is very important that you always link back to your own website.
6. Likes and Re-pins Visit other Pinterest pages, make comments, and be sure to follow the pages that get lots of Facebook likes, Pinterest re-pins, and Twitter Follows.
7. Picture Perfect You must have high quality photos on your page and keep all of your photos about the same size. Fuzzy or out of focus photos don’t get pinned.
8. Proper Tags Tagging photos is with words that are directly related to or describe your product correctly is how they get indexed and later found during searches. Take your time and carefully consider each tag before you enter it.
9. Help Your Virtual Neighbors Everyone needs a little help from time to time and when they get it are quite grateful. Grateful enough in fact to follow your page and recommend your products.
10. Keyword The Keys To Being Found Adding keywords to the end of you product descriptions can help people to find your products more easily.
11. Browser Bookmarklet “Pin It” Easy to install the Bookmarklet Pin It button can be added to your Internet Browser in seconds and it makes keeping up with things that you like easy to do.
12. Mind Your Manners Often referred to as etiquette minding your manners and being polite are all very important to any type of business. Another good idea is to keep a positive attitude about your followers even if you don’t agree with their comment or content.
Featured images:
License: Creative Commons image source
Ben Sawyer is an Social Media Marketing consultant for Arverne, well known real estate company from New Yowk These are some of his tips about Pinterest, based on his own experience.
Why public relations and SEO are the best mesh ever!
So who knew that using public relations could really be an advantage for your SEO? Frankly this is one of the most brilliant ideas out there. If you know what public relations is all about then you will see how much in common it has with SEO. When things are similar and have something in common, they match very well as they complement each other. Public relations are one thing that can strengthen SEO in a tremendous way. After reading this article you will actually wonder why you didn’t think of this to begin with.
Getting other aspects to be involved with the SEO strategy can be quite tricky but Public relations have proven to be a good match. However it is very important to understand what public relations is all about and how it thrives online. In a nutshell, public relations or PR is the section in a company that is in charge of generating affairs and connections with other large publications or companies that will offer promotion for your corporation. PR has so many responsibilities and one of them involves online work. We can see that PR has almost the same job as SEO with regards to creating relationships and bringing in visitors and traffic. So how can PR help SEO?
- Networking /connections: PR finds media outlets so as to promote business. These media outlets are usually very big. So imagine getting connections with those big businesses which are very authoritative, there is a high chance of your website being recognized by these big companies. This becomes a big thread of connections where the other company connects you with many more companies.
- Content Experience: PR experts usually have a very good way of working with the media. They also know the media world really well. They know exactly how to write things that will absolutely explode. Why is this, those in PR have known what the public wants. Make sure that those in PR read your content to help you know what works best. However you could learn PR on the side and if you are doing SEO use the principles of PR to help you. When doing SEO, you have no idea how much PR professionals come in handy.
- Traffic/visibility: Yes PR will really help SEO but in this one, PR could totally benefit from SEO making it the best of both worlds. This is called killing two birds with one stone. When you use the right keywords, you will clearly get all the visitors out there. This goes for press releases hence helping PR.
- Reputation: PR is used to lobby for a company. SEO can use PR to advertise your site out there hence making it credible and highly regarded.
- Communications: PR practitioners know so much of communication. This way they can help you write the best content for SEO.
PR and SEO are almost co-related to each other, the above points should motivate you to use PR wisely today!
Author Bio: Jems Holden is an Internet marketing blogger cum web designer who has been serving the web since 2009 with web design agency Manchester Sizzle Media. So far he has written several articles with advice and suggestion for creative web designing and eCommerce web design.
10 Incredible Things to Try on Your Blog
What is a Blog?
A blog is a discussion or an informational site usually published on World Wide Web and consisting of the discrete entries typically displayed in a reverse chronological order. In this write up we are going to look at ten incredible things that you can try on your blog. Scroll down this article to know more on this.
Basically, your blog can usually be very many things such as your online rants and musings, your personal expression, a chance to inform or entertain. However, after a while your blog can start suffering from s bit of stagnation. In case of this, you must ensure that you inject new life onto it. Here are the 10 incredible things you should try on your blog in case of such a situation.
10 Incredible Things to Try on Your Blog.
1.Writing a Letter
You can write a letter and encourage your audience to chime in with their own suggestions for the letter. However, your letter has to put some thoughts or information for your audience.
2.Spreading the News
It is essential that you ensure you make a collection of the interesting things which your reader may like. You can as well select articles as they come up on your blog and share your opinions and thoughts on the different topics.
3.Reviewing the Possibilities
You can start a new series on the blog whereby you review relevant locations, services or items. This may assist you arrange for some free products or services on trial basis.
However, you must be honest while reviewing and avoid payment for the review sort of products which can be sketchy.
4.Making Lists
Your list should be humorous and actually very helpful. Ensure that you go with what you well know about and share at a time few tidbits. For instance, you can make a list of the things you should not eat before coding for 10 hours.
5.Telling Your Secretes
Getting into your basics may easily add some depth as well as interest to your blog. However, you must not tell everything about yourself.
6.Disagreeing With Something Big
This involves looking for a hot topic and then disagreeing with it. For instance, if majority of your readers are in favor of one football club, make it a point to disagree with all of them.
7.Revisiting Old Posts
This involves going through your posts and identifying the ones you wrote longtime ago. This will assist you in removing any dead link.
8.Picturing Montage
This involves posting a series of pictures or creating your own photo montage. For instance, you can post a series of funny persons about your industry.
9.Guest Blogging
This involves considering accepting the guest blogs. If the blog is top ranked in search engines, you can allow others take part in the fun of sharing.
10.Caption Contest
If you’ve got already a loyal following, it is essential that you provide your readers something new by providing them with a caption contest. However, set some guidelines in order to prevent profanity. This trick will be best if you use it with your WordPress Video Blog .
Last but not the least; ensure that you always keep your blog interesting as well as fresh all the time.
Author bio: This article has been written by Tracy. She is an Drupal Search Engine Optimization expert. She loves to give new tips and tricks to bloggers for keeping their blog fresh and attractive.
Theories on Colour to Design Good Labels
Did you ever notice that a clear blue sky can do wonders for your mood? Or that a meeting in a white room can make you fall asleep? If so, you have seen just how much colours can affect our emotions. There is a study of this type of effects, and it is known as colour psychology. This is becoming much more recognized as far as how much colour can affect how consumers make purchases.
When you are thinking about your product and label designs, you should definitely consider color psychology. The label for your product is one of the key parts of your marketing, so the colours that you select for it can either make or break your monthly sales.
Below is a partial list of colours and what sort of emotional responses typically are associated with each colour. You should think about what sort of emotion you want to stir in the heart of your consumer. What sorts of colours are related to these emotions? Are you incorporating the correct colours into your labels and marketing materials. If not, you will want to consider working closely with your printing company and overhauling the colours of your labels ad product packaging.
- White: Relaxed, secure, complacent, light.
- Pink: Tranquil, relaxed.
- Green: Peace, happy, relaxed, less stressful.
- Light blue: Comfort.
- Blue: Creative, happy, safety
- Red: Energy, warmth, danger, failure, mistakes. Can actually increase the heart rate.
- Bright yellow: Danger, irritability
- Orange: Hunger, vitality
- Brown: Passivity, security, depression
Next, you will need to think about the colour of the text that you want to put on the label, and the colour of the label itself. If you choose poorly on the colour of the text, you really can hurt your marketing efforts. So you are going to want to think about this very carefully. The vital key to pairing the colour of your text and the background label colour is contrast. You need to have a good deal of contrast between the two. The more contrast there is, the more the text will be able to be read. The higher contrast also will limit the strain on the consumer’s eye. One of the most reliable ways to make this choice is to select a dark colour for the label, and a light color for the text. Generally, black on yellow is the most readable, followed by black on white, and yellow on black. The least readable is white on red.
Keep in mind that selecting the colours for your labels does not have to be difficult. There are many places you can go online that can help you to select the right colours. When you come up with your labels, there will probably be a base colour that you want to have. It could be the colour of your logo, or perhaps a colour that matches with the products that you are marketing.
If you put in enough thought about your label colour and your text, you should be able to come up with some excellent options.
Lawrence Reaves has an extensive background in business and is a contributing author for, a custom printing company offering labels, custom printed ribbons, stickers of all sorts and warning labels. Go here to see how they can change the look of your business printing.